Feature Preview - What Aftertaste's finale has in store for you

Heyo, Berin here with another update on the current development progress!

Lots of Choices!

The script has made huge strides in the past month, and it's become quite complex. So complex, in fact, that Byleth didn't write the finale in Ren'Py script as he did with the other parts of the story but used specialized software for it. The final day of Aftertaste was drafted in Twine, a tool for interactive fiction that has tons of features to manage branching storylines.

This is how the dialogue tree for day 5 looks like:

I spent the better part of a weekend translating this beauty into Ren'Py :D The Twine To Ren'Py tool did most of the work, but I still needed to fix a bunch of bugs and make sense of the resulting code.

Show what You've got

On day 5, you will be able to present inventory items and journal entries to NPCs. I implemented the first version of the former  today:

It pretty much works like regular point-and-click item interactions; you pick an item from your inventory and drop it onto the NPC. I'm pretty proud of the start animation, though.

I plan to create a completely separate UI for presenting journal entries, since the regular journal UI covers most of the screen. I don't what it to rip the player out of the scene, so the entry selection UI will be rather minimalist.. This is still an early WIP, however, so I can't show it to you yet.

That's all for today, see ya next time!

Get Aftertaste

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